Voice Keyer

Version history

Version 1.71 - 2005 11 13
- Fixed the bug so that the keyboard hook doesn't capture the F8-F12 messages as it did in the previous version. Now it should run smoothly with CTWin.

Version 1.7 - 2005 11 12
- PTT via COM port now supported (on RTS)
- Fixed so that F8-F12 doesn't send message #1

Version 1.61 - 2005 11 12
Changed so that Buttons F8-F12 doesn't send message #1. This is because it locked some features in CTWin. This version only has got its exe-file so replace your old one with the new.

Version 1.6 - 2004 03 17
I fixed a bug that appeared in windows 98 when trying to run CT with the Voice Keyer. I also changed the keyboard capture routine to a version that works better.

Version 1.5 - 2004 03 15
Version 1.5 does support extern keyboard hooking. That means that the software can be run in the background and still respond to the buttons being pressed. This function is very good since you are able to use a contest software and use the voice keyer as a regular built in one.

I have also fixed the trouble people have been having with the LPT-port. Hopefully it should work fine in all operating systems now.

Version 1.4 - 2003 03 15
Never got released, do not ask me why because I simply dont know :-)

Version 1.3 - 2003 02 21
This version is a major upgrade. It allows the user to record the messages without the need of using any extern sound recorder. It also has a feature for Auto CQ and a help file is included. It has also got some nice indicators for PTT, Record and TX. Check it out!

Version 1.2 - 2003 02 18
The 1.2 version includes the ability to stop an audio file while its being played. It also includes a volume control for changing the wave volume. I've also changed the way the file gets played. Earlier the program "locked up" while playing the sound, now it plays it asynchronously which is prefered. A windows 98 bug has hopefully been fixed aswell.

Version 1.1b - 2003 02 17
The 1.1b version of Voice keyer has got the ability to PTT your radio via the LPT port (pin 16). It should work in all Windows operating systems including the NT based systems.

Version 1.0b - 2003 02 16
First version of the Voice keyer was released.

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Voice Keyer